Service hotline: 0755-2955 6666
Optional cooling fans need some common senseFirst, buy the general knowledge of the cooling fan:In the purchase of fans generally have to understand the following necessary information:★ fan size.★ determine whether the fan is DC or communication.★ fan supply voltage value. For example: AC 220V, 110V, 380V. DC 5V, 12V, 24V, 36V, 48V.★ fan bearing form, ball or oil.★ fan air volume, speed. For example, how many cubic meters per minute, or how many cubic feet per minute.★ wind pressure value.Second, on the bearing:Oil bearing (Sleeve Bearing)The traditional DC brushless fan motor design, is the ...
Release time: 2017 - 08 - 28
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Company name: Shenzhen Hongfei Electromechanical Technology Co. Ltd.
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